Archive for febrero, 2011

Chapter 1

I was sitting waiting to the end of the lesson, what’s the point to be so powerful if you can’t pass thought the biology lesson. The bell finally ring so I can go out, and like always there is Mike waiting in the door to meet me, he is a simple human who believes in magic and knows about it, but of course he doesn’t know the real me, just Gabriel knows me.

“Hi! How was the lesson?” he asked while we start to walk to our lockers

“Hmpf” I look at him with a look which says really? “Like always Miss McGregor is still thinking about talking with my parents” I finally say.

“Huh, that sucks that bad are you doin’?”

“Nope, it’s the opposite she thinks I should be in the next level” I answer him, while he looks at me trying to see if I’m lying.

“You know I just jumped one year and I don’t want to go to the next again”

“Oh, true, but I think that if that’s good for you…”

“No” I cut him “Sorry, it’s just that…” I can find the way to explain myself without tell him the truth, which I can’t “Well, I’m… it’s just… it’s hard enough to be with people who think you are a kid because they are just one year older than you, and I don’t want to finish the school the next year”

“Huh, you sure it’s for that?” He says before opens his locker.

“What else then?” I ask waiting to his answer while I open mine.

“Gabriel, but that’s who else not?” He laughs.

“Well… maybe” I answer awkwardly knowing he knows me better than I thought, “Can you drive me home today?” I ask trying not to think in Gabriel.

“Yes. Sure. It’s something wrong?” he ask me worried, he is a good friend I wish I could tell him the whole truth but I can’t.

“Nope” I lie.

“She’s worried, you know, his boyfriend disappear sometimes, but she doesn’t see him since this Monday, and well tomorrow it’s Friday…” Nicole just came from her ballet lesson and drops her bag in her locker “… you know they made some plans”

“Thanks Nicole, it doesn’t help so much” I reproach her and looking at her with a too much information look, and she jus laughs.

“She doesn’t know anything about him since then, no text, no calls” she continues ignoring me, I love her but she really drives me crazy, she is my best friend she knows even that my mum is a super powerful vampire and my dad the king of the elves, a forbidden love, of course, but even if she weren’t just human she would find out that, she is an amazing vampire, she’s really nice, spoild too but, anyway she like me has never tasted the human blood, but even if she never did that, she still feels the blood thirsty and has that blue eyes, and amazing turquoise eyes, which define the vampire eyes, and a curly brown hair falling down her back, she is really pretty and her pink t-shirt and her jeans make her more beautiful, so the half of the school boys are after her.

“Oh, like if doesn’t hurt enough” I cry.

“I’m sure he’s okay and he just lost his mobile phone or something” Mike says trying to console me, he is attractive too, but in a human way, he has black hair, and big brown eyes, he’s strong, but not rugby player strong way, and tall, with his favourite rock you t-shirt and his old jeans, but then when I look at them I can’t see how can they be together, they are so different, and I can’t imagine he being a vampire with that weird blue eyes.

“Thanks, Oh, I forget I’ve practice today, the Nationals are really near, I don’t need you to drive me home, I will go walking, thanks anyway” I answer him suddenly remembering the figure skating competitions, “I’ve been so busy written the new song for the band… my coach is gonna kill me” at less that’s not easy.

“Vanessa, you are doin’ too much that’s not good” Nicole says to me with a really worried look, knowing that the song is not the only thing that kept me busy this week “really I’ve never seen someone doin’ that much”

“That’s truth, if you cannot do it we can look for another soloist”

“No, I can do it, it’s just I can’t go to all the rehearsals okay?” I say, I don’t want to be substitute.

“Okay, well then came to Saturday’s rehearsals and to Sunday’s shows” Mike say with that warm smile that always give to me when I need it, and makes me feel so relax and happy.

“Thanks, I will go” I look at my mobile phone, I’m late to my practice, but that’s not what depressed me, there is not lost calls neither text from Gabriel.

“Don’t worry he will call” Nicole say to me “or show, he cannot live without you, but he likes ditched school” She is right, she always is.

“I hope it will be soon” I smile back at her, and then I start to run to the ice rink “Bye guys! I see you tomorrow” I say just before leave them.


I arrive just in time, I change my clothes as fast as I can tie my hair in a pony tail and grab my music and skates, and just before go upstairs to skate I look at myself in the mirror. I see my green eyes (not the vampire blue eyes that I supposed to have) and my long blond hair, but I don’t thinking about it, I concentrate all my energy in Gabriel and I think I want to see him, and just for a second I swear I see his eyes in the mirror, but Nicole was right I’m doing to much so I’m tired and I can hold it, and anyway is not like if I really practice that spell.

I start to practice my routine making some changes, I’m good, even if I just been skating for 2 years I can go to the nationals and make some really difficult jumps, but that’s because no matter how much I eat I will never weight more than now neither be older than what now I am, what Gabriel doesn’t know, so that makes it easier.

I end the lesson sure that I will win but not thinking in that either, my mind just can think in one thing: Gabriel. I catch my school bag my folders and my maths book, and put my skates’ bag on my shoulders, put my IPod in play and text my step mother “hom in 5 min. lov u”. I start my way home going by the park, it’s shorter and then I see him, I throw all my stuff to the floor the books fall open the folder too letting all the papers go away, and letting my skates, mobile and IPod fall to the floor, all of that doesn’t matter he was there for me, waiting me, I run to him and hug him, while he catch me, then I kiss him.

“I missed you” I whisper not letting him go.

“I missed you too, but you know why I wasn’t with you” he answers me looking at my eyes with the same look that I saw in the mirror, I nod to him and I kiss him again.

“That’s why I was worried” I cry “You know that is dangerous that’s why I want to go with you I’m strong enough” I said looking at his amazing tattoos those which are almost disappear but for that silver scar.

“I don’t want you to get hurt you know that” he say to me really sweet without let me free from his embrace but that was enough to bother me and get me angry.

“I’m not a stupid human!!” I shout at him with tears in my eyes “You know what I am, and you know that I can help. I heal faster than you! You know that I don’t need tattoos to be stronger and anyway I can have them!” I stopped when I see that I hurt him I see his eyes meeting mine, he is sad his always superior attitude is gone, like always when he is with me.

“I know that, and you have to know there are monsters, demons, creatures or however you want to call them stronger than you and that’s what I don’t want you to came because is not fair, and I wouldn’t be able to protect you, promise me you won’t go to find me and help me” I couldn’t made an answer I just stare at him.

“I’m sorry for what I said you know I didn’t mean it but I cannot keep that promise so I won’t make it” finally I answer.

He sigh and say “Okay” and kiss me again “let’s go to your house and start to grab my stuff from the floor then hold my hand and start to walk again.

When we reach my house my step-mother was already there so we say hello, and go to my room.

“So, what do you know about your mum” he ask me.

“Nothing yet, you know she is important and to the humans she’s death so… is hard to talk to her, anyway it isn’t like we were near to each other” I answer to him too rude, I don’t like be like that to him.

“Yeah, I know but well since you dad die, I thought she maybe came to see you” He answer me not angry neither annoyed.

“Well, I thought that too” I said looking away “I miss him you know, he used to teach to use the sword and practice with me, and magic” I make a half smile thinking about him “And now I have to live with his human wife, while my sister is there with her mum taking my place”

“That sucks but you didn’t want it anyway” he look at me and kiss my in my forehead, “just think you are lucky for not to be in Weld

“I know they love me, my people I mean, but her mum would kill me to give Eleanor my throne, so I just give it to her” I say to him repeating what he already know.

“Well I prefer see you alive” he laughs and make me laugh too, not because is a good joke, that it isn’t, but because he is with me again and he is safe now.

“I love you” I said when I look at him, his blue eyes looking at my with so much love, his blond hair falling on his eyes before he tossed it, he were his black t-shirt and his jeans what makes my heart sped, then he kiss me and said

“I lo…”

My mobile starts to ring, I give a sorry look and he smile at me. I answer the phone, it’s Nicole and she is really worried and scared.

“Vanessa, he… I didn’t mean it… I need your help!” she cries on the phone

“Okay we are going where are you?” I tell her trying to calm her.

“I’m home with… who is coming with you?” She asked still crying.

“I’m with Gabriel, I’m on my way see you” and I end the call.



Chapter 2


We find her on the door crying waiting for us.

“Nicole!” I shout “What’s goin’ on?” I’ve never seen her like that she still wears her school clothes but they are bloody now, “What did you do? Nicole, answer me now!” I say angry at her and incapable to say it in a nice way, yes she is my best friend but anyway I know she has done something incredible wrong, and when my guts tell me something I’m never wrong.

“Ness…” Gabriel starts.

“No” I cut him, “I need to know, and you are a Light Slayer, so you know what can happen if she had killed someone…, but I’m sure is not that” I say trying to convince myself more than him, but when I say it I feel like if I find out something that I don’t know, he just nod and go to Nicole.

“Nicole” he say but the love with he talk to me has disappear, “Tell us what we are going to find when we get in” his tone is his warrior tone and even I am afraid to know what can happen if she disobey him.

“I… I didn’t mean to” Nicole start again, “he came it was as always but….” She start to cry again I wanted to run and hug her but knowing that when she finally tell everything, it will be late and I will want to kill her I run to inside the house,  knowing now what my guts said me before, the blood smell was familiar and strong, Mike, she killed Mike!.

I keep running following the scent of him, and Gabriel after me. I found him in the kitchen, laying on the floor, I run to him, and fall on his side, Gabriel still on the door wait to me, to say or do something, but I don’t look at him, he is not important now Mike has got all my attention.

“Mike! Mike!” I cry thinking I lost him forever, but he is not death, he’s breathing, “He’s alive!” I shout full of happiness looking at Gabriel, then at Mike again “ you will be okay” I promise, but now I can see his neck, she bite him, I can’t believe it, he has the fangs mark in his neck!, “No!” I shout angry and sad, Gabriel run to me really worried I’ve never shouted like that, I have killed demons (when they came to kill me) and I’ve never shouted that way when I see them, and believe me when I said they are the ugliest and creepiest thing that I’ve never seen, and I’ve seen a lot of things.

“What…?” He starts to ask before he see the mark “You know what that means, Nessy” I just nod not thinking about it, I cannot handle the idea of my best friend became in a vampire, because my other best friend bite him.

“What… What Can I do? I… I don’t want him being a vampire” I say crying.

“It’s too late, you know you can try but that just will let you weak and tired, and him being a vampire” He hold me in his arms but I stand up and start to catch some things that I need and Nicole has in her kitchen, but knowing that the important things aren’t there I close my eyes imagine there and call them making them appear in front of me, I open my eyes again and start with the spell.

“Maybe… but I have to try” I say continuing with the spell I concentrate my energy in him and using my healing powers, I imagine him as always with his brown eyes, human, but the only thing that I can really think of is that is my fault for not to be with them knowing that will be dangerous for him, to be alone with her, but this time wasn’t the first time, I think trying not to blame myself. I close my eyes and pray to the angels to help me, well maybe I am a kind of monster but it doesn’t mean that I can’t be Christian, but any way as Gabriel say it was too late to bring him back as human, the poison has reach his heart, the only way to don’t turn him into a vampire is kill him, but there is not way to me to do that. I’m tired and disappointing so I let myself fall to the floor and hid my face with my hands and cry.

“Vanessa…” Gabriel whisperer and came to hold me near him “Don’t worry all will be all right, I promise” he say consoling me, I know he will keep his promise he always does.

“Nicole!” I shout suddenly remembering who the guilty person is “Came. Here. Now” I say trying to control myself but not doing it well, she comes she is still crying “How could you…?” I blame her.

“I don’t know…” she say “I was… talking to him and suddenly…” she cries again “I didn’t mean it, I couldn’t control myself…” she tries to explain herself “It was like if I didn’t control my body…” even if I was too angry to listen to her I feel something was wrong.

“I don’t care you could kill him!!” I shout her back making her cry again “Go to your room change your clothes and clean that mess” I say with a softer tone.

“Okay” she nods and disappears from the room with a no human speed.

“Vanessa, we gotta go, he shouldn’t be here when he ends the transformation you know what will happen next” I look at him don’t knowing what he’s talking about “too much sun” he says like if that is too obvious, and well it is, if Nicole can go outside with sun is because her necklace the one that I create. I nod and he pick him up, is amazing how strong he is, and we left going to his “house” which is an old Christian warriors castle in the country it took half an hour in like he drives.

“… Do you think he would be one of the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ vampires?” I ask him while we go upstairs to one of the empty rooms

“What do you mean with ‘good’? Not drinking human blood?” he ask my and I nod, “then yes is just practice, isn’t it?”

“No really, I mean see Nicole she drink it so… I don’t know if never has the Thirsty” I answer looking at my feet.

We start to go upstairs to the rooms’ area; I look at these familiar corridors, with those old pictures, and a lot of different ways which show you the different areas of the castle. I’ve been there a couple of times but I always end going out regretting get in.

“So why do you think I can get in here? You know Nicole can’t and well, when Mike heals he won’t be able to be here either” I ask thinking how weird is that.

“I’m not sure yet” I look at him with no clue what is he talking about “I’ve been lookin’ for some answers”

“Oh! Did you find them?” I ask suddenly really excited.

“No, sorry, but I will” he answers me.

“Don’t worry, it’s just that will help” I say trying to seem unaffected.

He look at me, “that room” he point to a dark room with his head “is the darkest room, he will be all right there, but you know he can’t be here forever”

“I know, but I need some time I can’t make the sun stone right now” I say before get inside that creepy room “You know you could decorate this place, it is creepy”

“That’s exactly what I think” I jump I don’t wait to see Viviane in here “what are you doin’ guys?”


Chapter 3


“Not now Viviane” Gabriel say looking at me “Nessy wait here, I come back in a sec” I nod, but what I really feel is that I don’t want to be alone in that creepy room, he slam the door after him, so I start to look at the room, is really dark but I can see, the good point to be a freak, I can see an old desk with some paper and pens, the window close in front of it, a wardrobe near to it and, I force myself to look at Mike, he lies on the bed unconscious I let me fall in a chair while I wait to Gabriel to come in.

“She didn’t do anything wrong, Viviane” I heard Gabriel says “You cannot blame her for how she born” and I know what they are talking, and I wish I could stop to hear them.

“I don’t blame her, but you know what she is, she shouldn’t be here” Viviane says with her superior tone “She is not human neither hurt, nor a Light Slayer so she doesn’t has a reason to be in here” I wish I could shout at her but I just stay quiet waiting to Gabriel’s answer.

“You don’t know her; you cannot say she is not human, that she is a monster, because the only inhuman here are you Viviane” He says and I just start to cry in silence.

“Sure, I don’t know what you see in her, yes she’s pretty but… well I think you have a better taste” she says in a bitchy tone, and I just think that she is right, well I mean why Gabriel would be with a monster if he could be with her, she is really beautiful, she has a red curly hair which fall to her shoulders, and beautiful grey eyes, she is tall, super model tall, but the thing she is a Light Slayer too.

“Forget it, I won’t waste my time explaining it to you, it’s not worthy, please call Liam, I need him” Gabriel says and get in the room “Sorry, did you heard that?” he says with a worry look I try to say something to make him feel better but I could find nothing at all, so I nod.

“Don’t worry all the people that I know think that she just say it” I smile at him “Anyway it’s true so… let it go”

“No is not true” he answers me, how could you think that? I want to say but I just stay quiet listening to him “I’ve been looking for some information about your mother and so…” Liam enter in the room so he stops to talk “Hello Liam, we need your help”

“I know” Liam nod, “Hi Vanessa, how are you doin’?” he asks smiling at him, he is just 14 years old, but he is really smart, and well is Gabriel brother so he’s hot too, they has the same blue eyes, but Liam’s hair is dark brown almost black, and opposite to his brother he wear a white t-shirt and a dark jeans.

“I’m fine the problem is my friend” I point to the bed “Nicole bite him, I need the stuff to the sun stone can you be with him while I am gettin’ them?” I ask trying to go out of this place as fast as I can.

“Yep, but what’s Gabriel doin’?” Liam asks “well I know he is not good at look after people but anyway he is good to keep them unconscious” he laughs, he is awesome he is that kind of guy who can make you laugh no matter the circumstances.

“I know but I don’t want him unconscious, or he sleeping and Mike running away. Well what I mean I don’t trust him for that” I said smiling again.

“Thanks Nessy I can see too much love” says Gabriel trying to seem hurt when he is really laughing, so I just push him making him fall down from the chair, and go to the door saying “bye guys, I’m gonna get the stuff see you tomorrow at school”

“Bye Nessy” say they both at the same time which makes me laugh.

It took me three hours to find everything and some of my energy to confuse the five cops who stopped me in the car; I don’t have my drive licence and driving a Porsche, I attract their attention, so I have to make them forget, but I finally got everything so I start the ritual to have the sun stone ready for the Saturday. I find Gabriel and Liam at school.

“Hi! Guys, how is Mike doin’?” I ask them

“He is fine I’ve been with him the whole night, he woke up at midnight, funny not?” Liam says smiling.

“Not really that means that he will have some weird power” I answer automatically, remembering when Nicole change for the first time.

“Cool!” Liam says, he is still a kid, maybe a Light Slayer, but it doesn’t change the fact that he still thinks like a human kid, because the Light Slayers don’t have special powers, “Well, I’m late” see you tomorrow on the rehearsal”

“What? Is he in the band?” Gabriel asks me, I just laugh at him.

“Yes, he is my battery” I say still laughing “he has been since the beginning, you didn’t know that?” I look at him knowing the answer, nope, I don’t listen at him, so I say “You have been in some of the concerts” I laugh again

“Well, then I just can say that I didn’t notice him” and he laughs too.

“What’s so funny?” Nicole says she doesn’t seem sad anymore.

“It’s not that funny, it’s just Gabriel didn’t know that his brother is in my band” I say to her “Mike is fine, he is a vampire now but…”

“I know it, I felt him wake up at midnight” Of course she knows, her six sense, to be in to places at the same time let her be inside the Light Castle, when she really can’t, and I saw her double in the room before I leave.

“So you know what you did, and what that means?” she nods, “then we should meet this afternoon in the Lieder pub okay?” I say making plans to see how we fix that “All of us, I already talked with Mike’s mum, so we just have to find his power and see what are we goin’ to do” I say and start to walk to my art lesson “ah and don’t forget to came or make other plans or… well I’ll kill you” I joke or just part of that was a joke.

I enter in the class room as the same time the bell rings; I take all what I need for the lesson from the closet and take my place near to the window, and start to draw.

“Wow, since when you draw!” says a voice that I don’t recognise, I look at him, he is handsome he has a smooth black hair and, his gray eyes, he is smiling at me, “I’m Kyle, I’m new here and that was the only place free so… I’m really lucky” he says really happy.

“Hi, Kyle, I’m Vanessa” I say awkwardly, I don’t know how to answer at his flattery.

“So what are you drawing?” he says pointing my paint, a picture from my real home my palace in Weld, and knowing that I cannot tell the truth, I lie to him.

“It’s a castle, in Scotland I saw it in a golf magazine” I hope he believes me, but if he know something about Scotland he will know that I’m lying, actually there is no castles like that in this world “Well I mix some of the French and Italian structures, to make it more interesting” I add trying to make it more believable.

“Oh, I see, well it really works, it’s kind of magic and mysterious, I like it” he says meeting my gaze “Do you mind to show me the school later?” he asks me, I think that is not a good idea, I have too much things to do and I should to say no but something in him attract my attention.

“Yes, I mean I will show you the school” finally I answer and concentrate my attention in my picture again, and start to give colour to it.

When the lesson ends I show Kyle the school ending in the dining room.

“Well here we are! The dining room, where if you are not popular your meal sucks” I say repeating Mike’s words when he showed me the school a year ago.

“Is that true?” he asks me with a simulated worried look.

“Not, really just be nice with the cooker and you will have nice food” I make my way to my table where my friends are already sitting “Hi guys, this is Kyle” I introduce him “and Kyle there are: Nicole, she’s really freak but if you are good with her you will be safe” I say pointing at Nicole and smile at her while Kyle laughs “He is Liam, he is just a kid but he is a really good doctor “ Liam waved at us “and he is Gabriel…” I say when I see him coming to meet us, and like if Kyle wasn’t there he kiss me, a Hi kiss “Well this is Gabriel my boyfriend” I say suddenly really awkward “Gabriel he is Kyle he is new here”

“Hi Kyle” he say without looking at him, both of him sit next to me, one at one side and the other at the other side, I sigh and stand up and move to Nicole side where Mike normally sits “Why did you do that? You always sit next to me” Gabriel say looking at me.

“Well, I’m not sitting between you both if you will be trying to show to me who is the best for me by makin’ the other not important” I say while I stand up and go to my next class room.

“Uh, you both are really stupid, trying to win her that way” Nicole laughs “and you Gabriel that you already are with her” she ends laughing out loud. I smile to myself and keep going to my English lesson the last lesson of the day.

“Ups, sorry” I say when I crash with Diane the most popular girl in our year, a petite red long smooth hair and brown eyes girl.

“Well the next time look at where you are goin’” she says in a bitchy tone “Okay? Little girl”

Excuse me” I say incapable to believe what she just says “Little girl, you are trippin’ Diane, if you think you can call me Little girl” I say imitating her bitchy tone “I thought you wanted your maths lessons being a secret” I say to her but loud enough to be heard for the people around us “Ups, sorry I think I said that too loud” I say continuing my way to the English lesson after push her to let free my way.

“You will regret that, I promise” She shout at me when I give her my back and let her in the middle of her friends laughs, well I know what I did wasn’t good but… she’s always like that with me and I just try to help her and it feels better now, and anyway I’m not afraid about what she could do in revenge.

At the end I reach my English class, and I get ready to the lesson waiting to the teacher to came, like always later, I put my books on the table, and open my notes books and start draw some little things in the backs pages, while my mind goes to Weld, to the flowers camps, and the dark forest, and of course to the Crystal Lake.

“Vanessa I asked you a question” Suddenly Mr. Robinson says to me, and I look at him completely lost “I’m waiting to your answer” I look around me and see Kyle at my side pointing his book “What’s Mr. Darcy real opinion about Elizabeth?” I sigh and write “Thanks”.

“Well, he opines at the beginning that she’s not as beautiful as her sister Jane, but anyway when he starts to meet her, he saw that she has a great temperament, and is really clever…” I look around again and see that I’m doing well, and Kyle didn’t try to played me for treat him like that at lunch “and starts to fall in love for her but he still thinks she is not good enough for him because of her sociality position” I smile glad to have already read Pride and Prejudice.

“Well done” my teacher says in a murmur “the next time answer when I asked to you for first time” I nod, and roll my eyes and look at my book to see what I draw. Weld, not again, I sigh, I really miss it.


Chapter 4


Finally the lessons have finished and I’m in home.

“Hi! Jane I’m in home” I shout to my step-mum, I only now her as a mum so I love her like one but I’m not confident with call her mum.

“Hi! My dear how was school?” She asks, she is really pretty today, she wear her blond hair tied in a really nice way that I can’t described at all, and I nice blue dress with a white jacket and a pair of heel shoes, the eyes shadows is blue to contrast her brown eyes and combined with her dress.

“Fine, I made plans with my friends so I didn’t came here to dinner” I say answering her real question. “Are you goin’ out?” I ask her.

“Oh, well yes, I have a date with a job partner” she says quite awkwardly, thinking that maybe I don’t like her to go on with her live, well I actually don’t like the idea she married again, yet, but I want her to be happy so I smile an say:

“Good luck, you look really pretty” She smiles back at me and take her purse and go to the living room.

“Oh, I almost forgot, his son is going to be here doing some homework, so say hello before leave and show him the house okay? I cannot do it, we are late”

I smile and nod and I can’t help but ask “Is he married”

“Nope, divorced” says her and I disappear in my room.

I open my closet, okay the first thing is the sun stone for Mike, but then we have our first concert (they changed it) and then I’m going to get out with Gabriel so I want to be amazing. I look inside it and don’t see anything special that I can wear to both things, and I suddenly remember a nice combination that I saw the last week with Nicole, so I run and closed my door, and then imagine it, the black sleeveless t-shirt and the gray and red squares skirt, the red jacket and the black high heel shoes, and zap I make it appear. I dress as faster as I can taking my favourite black tides, they have nothing special but they’re really comfortable, take a big black purse and put in my new heel shoes, my mobile my IPod and the song letters and accords, and run to the bathroom and brush my hair and my teeth, then run again to my room put on my heelless shoes and take my purse. I run downstairs and see him, I shock the Jane’s date’s son is Kyle.

“Hi!” I say when he looks at me.

“Hi! You are amazing!” he says “I didn’t know you were my dad’s date’s daughter.

“Step-mother, I mean she is not my mum so I’m not her daughter” I say automatically “And neither do I, I got plans so there is the kitchen…” I say pointing “… there the bathroom, and there the living room you can take whatever you want from the kitchen, but please don’t put your glass on the table, that drives Jane crazy” I explain him, he nods a little bit sad. “Shit, sorry I forget a really important thing” I say before run upstairs again, take the little bag with the sun stone stuff and my luck fingerless glove from my table and write a text to Gabriel.

“Come now I’m ready, love you; Kyle’s coming with us” Well I can’t let him like that and Nicole can distract him no?

“Hum, Kyle you wanna’ come? It’s my groups first concert up to 10 o’clock then I can let you in here and go on with my plans” I say to him and he smiles at me.

“Don’t you really care? If not I really wanna’ go” he answers excited.

“Gabriel’s coming to catch us so there is like five minutes less”

We are in Lieder pub now and Nicole is distracting Kyle introducing him to my band.

“Okay, now are we ready?” I ask Mike, Nicole has already told him about the vampire stuff, he nods.

“Take the bracelet on your hands, okay is not really cool but is okay” I say when he looks at it, it’s a macramé bracelet with a little yellow stone in the centre of it, “I made it myself and now concentrate your energy in it” as I said I do I imagine it receiving the sung light and absorbing it without getting hot “Be carful don’t let it fall is gonna’ get it really hot” he silences a pain shout, I say a few words in an old magic language and open my eyes “That’s all, put it on and never, NEVER, take it off okay?”

“Yes” he say to me in his always warm tone and I smile at  him look at his new weird blue eyes and sigh, “Don’t worry I’m cool I don’t want to eat no one yet” he laughs “and now I know your secrets” he go on catching his electric guitar and going to the stage.

“Let’s go sing” I say and go to the stage after him the others are ready Liam smiles at me when I go up “okay we are ready, we have been rehearsing that for weeks, let’s start with…” I doubt thinking in the right song “Friday Night Again” It’s my new song it’s about friends that come and goes, but we always get out together on Friday night, Mike and Liam laughs, because they get the joke (Kyle is the new) the people seems to enjoy the evening and I’m happy to end and can go out with Gabriel.

“Okay, Nicole can you drive Kyle home? My house please” I ask her she nods “thanks, see you later guys, oh tomorrow I’m training so I can’t go shopping sorry” and I get in the car before she starts to shout at me. “Run” I whisper to Gabriel and laugh silently, he looks at me, rolls his eyes and start to drive my car, that I bought with part of my father inherit and I cannot drive yet, my black Porsche,

“So, where you wanna’ go??” he asks me with a cocky smile that I know well, and just in that moment I have a great idea, maybe he won’t like it but he won’t know what I want to do until is to late, so I smile and say “the clearing”,

“Okay, so let’s go there” He says confused but wanting to make me happy, “but why?” I sigh, smile again and tell him just a little true, what it means lie like an elf, don’t tell him the truth for that exact moment, “I like that place”

When we finally reach the clearing I jump out of the car and turn around in the middle of the grass laughing, my head looking at the moon and my arms open at my sides and stop turning when he is in front of me, I smile and let him catch me in his arms, and kiss me.

“I want you to train me” I say catching him off of guard.

“What! Not, I tell you, I cannot protect you!” He says and trying to stay calm I answer.

“Gabriel, that’s why I want you to train to me so I can show you that you DO NOT have to protect me” I say losing a little bit my temper “And… well I know you found out something about me and you didn’t tell me because Liam gets inside of the room, do you remember?” I catch him off of guard again he looks at me eyes wide open so I know that he didn’t want me to remember that “Tell me!” I urge him.

“It’s just, okay, but you know I don’t want to tell you it because you will get really exciting about it and won’t think clearly” He says and sigh, sit on the grass and ask him to sit in front of me without say a thing. “Well, it’s about your dad”

“You should be looking for my mum, I was 3 when my dad dies ends of the story” I interrupted him; I thought it was something interesting.

“Shus, let me tell you, it’s hard to explain, at the beginning I was happy about it but now it will be… just another annoyed thing about you”

“Ouch!” I fake a cry “That’s not nice”

“Sorry”, he inclines his body forwards and kisses me, and then goes on “I was thinking about… well just a question, why did you say you can wear our Tattoos?”

“mmm, I just feel that” I don’t know what to answer at that “I don’t know I just say it”

He nods “Okay then, well what I discovered is that your dad wasn’t just the king of elves” I look at him really confused an lost “He… well your granddad was a Light Slayer so your father could be one, and you have his blood so you can wear our Tattoos, because you are one of us” He ends, I shocked for a moment then I jump up screaming of happiness and say “So you cannot stop me and Viviane will have to apologise to me ha” he laughs at the end and sigh.

“I will help you to train, and to develop your abilities but I let yourself the Viviane apologising, because is the hardest part” We both laugh.

“Witch abilities?” I ask don’t knowing what his saying.

“Light Slayers ones” He laughs “All of us have some special ability, mine is my speed, I am faster than the others that’s why I always win” I laugh “Liam, is the healing stuff, and Viviane, well she says that hers is the strategy stuff, but my opinion is that she has a super power to be a pain in the ass” I laugh out loud.

“I agree with you. So your abilities help you in fight, not like vampires abilities that are just an special power to do whatever” I say trying to explain it.

“Yes, exactly like that, so what do is yours?” he asks me smiling.

“I always was amazing with a sword” I say feeling it like my Light Slayer Gift “Well my dad started to teach me when I was 3 years old and I’ve never lost, and well my Vampire power just came two year ago when I was 14 so I didn’t copy it” I say thinking about my Copy Powers vampire ability.

“That was easy to find, and I won’t train you with sword, I don’t want to end full of holes and cuts” he says trying to look really scared but laughing “So I will train you I body fight okay? “

“Yes” I nod “We start tomorrow after lunch” and I get up hug him when he stands “I love you” I say in his ear.

“And now we can be together” he says and kisses me on my neck.

“We should go is late” I look at my clock is 1:30 am I should have been at home half an hour ago, but luckily Jane won’t be home yet.


Chapter 5


Kyle was watching TV when I arrive home.

“Hi” I say going to the kitchen with Gabriel to catch a coke “What are you watching?”

“Nothing special” He answers turning the TV off “My dad is coming I should get ready” I enter in the living room and look around, the TV is in front of the sofa, between it is the table, on it there is his homework and some of the Jane’s decoration magazines; at the end of the room there are two chairs and a small table, between the chairs there is a lamp and at the right side of one chair is a small library with our books, and some photos from when my dad was still alive.

“Okay, so…” the bell door rings “sorry, I’ll be back in a sec” I say letting Gabriel and Kyle alone, hoping they won’t start to argue about me like today lunch, I open the door and what I find shocked me “Jane are you drunk?” I say without think, Gabriel hears me and comes to help with Kyle “Sorry, Mister Singht, What happen? Is she okay?” I ask really worried.

“Yes, I’m sorry I think she just drink too much” that’s all what he explain “Kyle” he calls “let’s go home”

“I hope you have nice time” says Jane in Gabriel’s arms “See you tomorrow at work” it is almost impossible to understand her “bye”

“Good bye Jane, I do have a nice time, next time without alcohol, see you” says Will, what surprises me he seems really rude.

“Jane…”Suddenly I have a great idea and if she wasn’t drunk it won’t work “Can Gabriel sleep here tonight?” I ask and glance at Gabriel and say just with my lips “training” and he nods “just today is late and he have to drive 2 miles, sorry walk he has not car” I look at her with my please look.

“Yes…” She says but it sounds like yeas “but don’t dirty stuff”, well she doesn’t say the sentences with a correct grammar but we understand her so we laugh.

“Okay, Gabriel can you let her in her bedroom? Please, she needs some sleep” I say pointing to her room and going to mine to change my clothes, I have to make them disappear, well there aren’t mine so…

I take a black t-shirt from my wardrobe and a pair of jeans, and my favourite boots, a black military style boots.

“I’m ready” I say when he enters in my room “How is she?”

“Sleeping, actually she falls asleep at the very first moment that she touched the bed” Gabriel answers me while he sits on my bed “So, where are we going to train?, I’m not going outside, it’s raining”

“Outside, let me the rain part” I smile at him and sit on his legs “I can make it stop” I say and then I kiss him softly, I go downstairs running and he follows me.

“What are you going to do?” he asks me with a funny grin in his face, thinking that I’m just crazy; he doesn’t know what I really can do.

“Magic” that’s my answer, I smile and run to the centre of my back garden, the swimming pool is just a few metres at my right, and the garden chairs are inside because of the raining so we have space enough to train.

I’m already wet the rain is heavier than what I thought, my hair is getting stick on my face and neck so is my clothes, Gabriel is looking at me with cross arms from the porch, I smile and face the sky rising my arms in a v position, and close my eyes, then I imagine the sky around my garden without clouds, and ask them to move to let me see the moon and the stars, and as I’m asking they move, and then I laugh and glance at Gabriel to see him standing outside mouth open.

“So what do you think? Can we train now?” I ask smiling.

“Yes, How… How did you do that?” He asks me amazed.

“I told you, magic, simple, I just have to think and imagine it, and then zas it happens, easy” I answer him laughing at his face “And you are a Light Slayer? I can’t believe it, you are so slow, and didn’t you study about it?” I say still laughing.

“Well, we do study, but, first is not the same as see it, and secondly what we study as magic is witches’ spells, potions and alike” he answers me still astonished “but are you going to keep laughing at me or are we going to train?”

“Let’s start training” I answer before let him finish then he laughs.

We start with body to body fight style. I put my hands into fists and rise my arms to put them in front of my chest, he does the same and hits me first, but I’m fast enough to stop his hand and kick him on the side of his chest, he coughs.

“That was good next time I won’t treat you like a little girl” he laughs.

“I’m not a little girl!” I say angry and try to hit him but he stops my hand easily, what makes me furious, I try to kick him back but he catch my leg and makes me turn on the air, and when I’m almost on the floor I roll backwards and kick him on his chest, making him go a few steps backwards, I come back to the initial position, but he is already ready to attack he hits me but I go down then he tries to kick me on the legs to makes me fall but I jump in the exact moment to make him miss his point, I’m going to hit him but when I look he is no there anymore, I look around confuse then someone catch me from my back and throw me to the swimming pool.

“Shit!” I shout “It’s freezing, was it really necessary?” I say shivering “And what and how the hell did you do? You just disappear!” I keep shouting and shivering from outside of the swimming pool.

“Well, I’m fast, I told you” he laughs “I just run, and yes, it is necessary, and funny, your enemy won’t stop to see if you are cold or don’t want to do whatever” he says making me roll my eyes by acting like a teacher.

We keep training for two more hours, when we finally end, I’m exhausted, I’m really wet, I’ve been inside of the swimming pool thousand times, and I fall to the wet floor a few more, I didn’t beat him not even only once, he is almost as at the beginning, he just has sweat on his head and his legs wet from kick me from the floor.

“I think is enough for tonight” I say catching my breath back lying on the grass. “I cannot move, all my body hurts”

“Okay, you did fine, but you need more training” he says coming to my side and lying on the floor too “Maybe tomorrow night” he puts his arms behind his head and look at the sky.

“Oh, please not tomorrow” I cry “I’m exhausted and I’ve practice tomorrow, let it for Sunday night, maybe Monday, please” I try to convince him.

“Okay, Sunday night and Monday, but on Monday we’ll use weapons maybe swords, is that all right? He agrees.

“Yes, and then I’ll kick your ass” I laugh or I try because ends coughing, my chest really hurts “I think we should get inside and changes our clothes” I purpose, he nods and gets up and then he helps me to get up and when we walk near to the swimming pool I push him to make him fall into the water, and then I let the clouds come back and laughs.

“It’s cold, isn’t it?” I say laughing when his head is out of the water “Now, I think you should apologise” I say while I put myself on my knees on one side of the swimming pool, and incline myself to kiss him.

“Yes, it’s freezing” he says but when I kiss him he catch me and throw me to the water, again, I scream “but I’m not sorry” I split him and push his head down to the water, and then he pulls from my foot and submerge me, then he kiss me down the water.

When we both get out of the water I love what I see his hair is getting stick on his face, and his blue eyes seems bigger, then he catch me in his arms and kisses me putting one of his hand on the small of my back and the other on my cheek, I close my eyes and put my arms around his neck and in that moment I know we both are thinking the same about each other.


Chapter 6


I cannot get up, I’m really tired and it’s just eight o’clock in the morning, but I make an effort, and go to the bathroom and take a really hot shower. I look at the mirror; at least I don’t seem really tired. When I finish brushing my teeth I go back to my room.

“Good morning” Gabriel says, he is sitting on my bed with a cup if chocolate wearing my dad’s pyjama that I let him yesterday.

“Good… What are you doin’ in my bedroom?” I ask when I notice that I’m just wearing my towel.

“Brining you hot chocolate” he jokes while he stands and comes near me “and a good morning kiss” he says before he kisses me.

“But, now go out, I have to change my clothes so do you, your clothes have to be already dried, see you at kitchen” I say firmly pointing to my door.

“Okay” he answers at me with a fake sad look, kisses me again, smiles from the door and goes downstairs to the kitchen. I sigh and look in my wardrobe take a black t-shirt and my mini-skirt then I put it on with a pair of black heelless shoes, I pack my bag with my favourite maillot, the sparkle purple one, my skates, my IPod, and my skates tides, and then go downstairs.

“Hello, Nessa” says Jane when she sees me.

“Hello” I answer mechanically, I’m still a little asleep, and then I sit next to Gabriel and I start to drink my hot chocolate.

“What is he doing here?” Jane asks, of course she doesn’t remember, she war really drunk.

“You let us, it was raining he had to walk home…don’t you remember?” I say to her trying not to seem guilty “Well, you shouldn’t drink that much” I say just for the pleasure to annoy someone, Gabriel laughs with me and she chokes.

“Yes, you were very kind yesterday, Mrs Portrait” says Gabriel trying to fix it, showing his good boy smile.

“Well, then I just hope you didn’t act… like teenagers” she says thinking about us having sex, what make us both laugh.

“Of course not” We both say at the same time, what doesn’t sound really believable and makes Jane laughs.

“Well, I gotta go” I say when I finish eating my breakfast “Do you want to come to see me practice?” I ask Gabriel.

“Sure, should I drive?” he asks “I wish you would have your driver carnet you are old enough, you just have to study for the test” he laughs.

“That’s true, Vanessa, and you already have a car, a really good one, what do you wanted for?” Jane says to me.

“I do not have time! And I want it to Gabriel drives me everywhere” I say laughing “let’s go”

“Bye Mrs Portrait” says Gabriel before we leave, and I punch him on his shoulder.

«Since when you are polite with Jane?” I ask him annoyed.

“Since you are getting in troubles with her, because you don’t think what you say and since we have to train” he answer getting inside of the car

“Okay, I still think that you want to flirt with her” I laugh “Well, let’s go to the ice rink” I say while I turn the music on.

“So what’s the plan for today?” he asks me starting to drive.

“First, my practice, then I don’t know we can skate some more, to gain some time before go to lunch, then to the cinema and the rehearsal in Mike’s house” I purpose.

“That’s okay to me, it’s a good plan” he agrees.

In the ice rink I change my clothes to the maillot, put on my skates and tides, and go to the ice rink. Gabriel is watching me so I train really hard doing my best jumps and spins to surprise him.

When I finally finish instead of go out of the rink with the others skaters I wait inside, Gabriel is getting ready with his booked skates, I laugh when I think how he would skate.

“Are you ready to fall down on your bottom?” I ask laughing.

“Not really” he says and get on the ice, turns to face me and say “I’m not bad” he takes some speed and does a double loop, I stare at him mouth open, he laughs at me and say “See”

“You just did a double loop?” that’s all I can say “Where and when did you learn to skate? I ask really curious.

“Oh, well, where I used to live when I was a kid there was a lake and on winter it freezes, and when I didn’t have to train and I was bored I went there to skate, I just tried to jump and imitate people on TV, I had a lot of free time” he tells me “It’s not too hard”.

“Well, that wasn’t bad but you could be really good” I laugh and I do a triple axel “But not as good as me” I say ending my jump just a few steps from him and covering that space with two turns and face him, then he kisses me and skates backward and jumps again.

“You are good too” he says laughing with his hands in his pockets “really god, was that your routine to the Nationals?” I nod.

“Yes, but my coach doesn’t let me do my best jumps, she says that is better surprise them on the internationals if I qualify” I explain him.

“Well, anyway if you do that I’m sure you will win” he laughs, we start to skate together around the ice rink, to try some jumps and spins together “You know if you use this speed and strength in battle you’ll beat me and everyone”

“Really?” I ask “because you beat me really easily yesterday”

“Well maybe with some more train” we both laugh.

We keep skating for one hour more, and then take lunch in a really nice Italian restaurant, my favourite, finally we went to the cinema and during the trip to Mike’s house we talk about it.

“See you tomorrow” he says me before leave with my car.

I ring the door bell.

“Hi!” Mike opens the door really fast.

“Mike! We already talk about it, you cannot walk that fast, they will discover you” I say quietly.

“I know, I know, but I can’t help it” he says.

“So how are you? I mean about the Thirsty” I ask worried about it, because if he cannot control it the ones who will have to kill him, would be Gabriel and me “You know that we are the most freak group ever?” I laugh.

“I’m fine with that, Nicole teaches me to control it an to hunt animals” he explains me and calm me down “And yes we are such a freak group, Gabriel and Liam are Light Slayers, Nicole and me are vampires, and well you are a mix between an elf and a vampire” he laughs.

“And a Light Slayer” I whisper forgetting that he can hear me now, I haven’t told it to anyone yet.


“It’s a long story I’ll tell you when Nicole and you were together okay? Now they are waiting to us”

“They, who?” he asks “ah, yes, the group, you know we should have to have a name”

“Yes, we would think about it today” I say without thinking too much.

“Hi Vanessa” a chorus of voices says when I enter in the band room like Mike calls it.

“Hi” I answer mechanically looking at them, there is Liam with the drums, John with the bass, and Mike taking the guitar… A strange group like I said to Mike, “The Freaks” suddenly I say, they looking at me like if I’m crazy “Our band name, well is just provisional, what do you say?”

“It’s not bad” Mike says, “Actually we are kind of freaks”

“I like it” Liam says smiling at me.

“It’s okay” John agrees.

“So let’s go play Freaks” I laugh.

The rehearsal took us two ours and I walk home when we finish.

Jane’s at home she is waiting me for dinner.

“Hi Jane, how was your day?” I ask her more to be polite than because I’m interested, I just want to have dinner and go to my bed.

“Oh it was good, Will call me again” She says smiling “He says he wants to see me again that he had a lot of fun” She is really happy.

“I’m glad to hear that, he’s really nice” at least with you, I thought.

When I finish I wash my plates and go to my room put my pyjama on and do to sleep.

Sunday is really bored I spend the morning doing homework, but I’m really exciting about our training tonight. Jane won’t be at home, she has a business trip, and she thinks I’m going to be with Nicole, but I’m going to go to Gabriel’s house, or palace, whatever it is.

It’s almost four o’clock, and I’m watching TV, and suddenly the bell rings, I’m not waiting anyone that soon, I open the door is Gabriel.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m bored, and I think we can start the training early today” he says smiling.

“Okay, wait a second” I say and run upstairs, take my stuff and run downstairs, “Oh, the TV” I run turn off the TV, and go out closing the door behind me.

“That was fast, let’s go” he laughs “Well I think we should use your car” I nod.

“I drive!” I shout getting inside the car I look at him he is laughing at me.

“Okay, but if you promise me one think” I nod enthusiastically “Okay, the only condition is you don’t kill us both” I laugh.

“Okay get inside the car” we take some more time as usually to reach his house because I get a little lost “Well, we made it!”

“Yes, next time listen to m directions okay?”

“Okay, but that wasn’t part of the deal” I laugh.

We begin to train, but this time when he tries to punch me I stop him, easily, with one hand, he tries with the other and I do the same, now is my time to attack, and I use the hands that hold him to jump and kick him, with both legs, on the stomach, he goes some steps backwards and finish the roll falling onto my feet.

“That was good” He coughs but I’m not listening, I know he wants to distract me so I blend my knees, stretch one leg and try to make him fall, bye turning around and hitting his legs, but he disappears from in front of me, but I know he is behind me, I can feel it, so I keep turning and make him fall, I stand up really fast and put my foot on hid neck.

“I win” I say happily and I help him to stand up.

“Yes, you did” he says surprised “you learn really fast, and I wasn’t being far to you”

“I know, but I used what you say, my speed and strength” I say proudly “and I know you didn’t expect it”

We train up to dawn, sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose.

“You are ready” he says, and I look disconcerted at him “I mean, for hunt to night. It’s just a routine, but there is always someone ass to kick” He laughs.

“Okay” I agree while I get up from my sitting position.

“Let’s go then” we start going to the bad areas of the city, what means, the parts where the supernatural creatures meet.

“So that’s what you do when you are not with me?” I ask joking, but anyway he nods and smile at me.

“I hope something happen, I’m bored, I like action” he laughs out loud.

“It will, I promise there is always something” and then it happens we see a fairy flirting with a human, and we both know that is forbidden, the humans are too weak to resist a fairy’s charms.

“There’s the action” I say and walk to them “What we do now?” I ask don’t Knowing what to do.

“Say something ingenious” he laugh quietly “and then, advise him, if he doesn’t listen kick his ass, I’ll be here if you need help, and remember the rules”

“Okay” I keep walking a few more to face the fairy, is taller than a normal human, he is around 1,90 metres, he is dark eyes, and a dark purple hair “You know what? I don’t think that girl will keep flirting with you, if she knows that you are a butterfly” I say “Stop it now!”

“Who says that?” he asks chasing me, and trying to influence me.

“It won’t work, let her go” I command, getting angry.

“Who are you?” He says stopping to influence her, and then she runs away.

“Well done guy” I say with irony, and clapping.

“Who are you? I will keep asking up to you answer me, and I just let her free, because I cannot compel both f you” he says with a creepy smile showing his sharp teeth, I feel nauseas.

“Well, just to shut up, I’m Vanessa, a Light slayer, and the last that you say, is your death sentence, fairy” I smile maliciously.

“Why? Little girl”

“Ups, you are death now men” Gabriel says laughing.

“Because you threaten a Light Slayer” I laugh while he tries to run away, but a vampire is faster than a fairy, so I use my speed to face him, “I’m faster than you” then he tries to hit me, and I move again, what makes him miss his point “Behind you”, I keep laughing, and when he turn around, I punch him on his face “That for call me little girl” he falls onto the floor and then I take an iron stick from the floor, maybe it is a tube, I’m not sure, anyway I sick it in his chest “And that for try to compel me” I say angrily.

“Well done, you” say Gabriel clapping “I’m glad that you know the rules, because if you kill him for call you little girl… well, the law will go against you” I nod.

“I know, if he wouldn’t threat me, I just kick his ass and make him to be afraid of me to respect me, but he messed it up. What we do with…?” I start asking but I stop when I see the body make smoke and darkness “Well, I see we don’t do anything” I laugh with him. We keep walking around a few more talking about nothing special and then go home.


Chapter 7


When I get into school on Monday I’m really exciting about our training tonight, with swords he won’t beat me, but I’m worried Gabriel isn’t answering my calls.

“Hi! Have you seen Gabriel?” I ask to Nicole when I see her in front of our locker.

“Hi! No, I haven’t; maybe, he’s hunting” I shake my head.

“No, I called Viviane and she tells me he was coming, actually she was really happy” I sigh, that’s weird he usually comes late or drive me to school “There is he” I shout when I see him “Gabriel, why didn’t you answer my calls?” I say walking to him.

“Who are you?” he asks “See that kid I don’t know what you want but I gotta go I’m late to my first lesson” he says coldly, Nicole, is looking at him wild open, but I keep calm trying to discover if he is joking.

“Okay, that’s so funny” I fake a laugh “Now, the truth what the hell are you playing at?” I say I’m getting really angry.

“See that, little girl, I’m sorry, if you want to go out with me, I have girlfriend” He says.

“Of course, you have, it’s me!” I shout at him and he laughs what makes me furious.

“No, you are not” he says still laughing but keeping calm down, then he waves to someone behind us “Is she” and when I turn around, I she her, Diane, Nicole and I hold our breath when she runs and kisses him.

“What are you doin’ with that little girl, and her friend” She ask looking at me.

“Oh, nothing she is just crazy, and we are leaving” that hurts me, but I keep trying to find out if he is lying or joking, they leave us but just before they leave Diane turns to me and whisper “revenge” she laughs and they both walk holding hands.

“Agh” I cry “What the hell?”

“What was that?” Nicole says worried and sad.

“That was weird, why he was acting like that?” I ask worried to Nicole.

“I don’t know he seems like if he has completely forgotten about you” she answers my question, but it just makes that some tears appear on my eyes “Oh, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it”

“No, it’s true anyway…” I say trying not to cry.

“Why were Gabriel and Diane holding hands? Did you break up and I didn’t know it?” I shake my head take my bag and go to my English lesson, I’m first, no one is inside so I sit on my usually sit hide my face on my arms and start to cry there is half an hour left to start the lesson.

“Are you okay?” a familiar voice asks “I’m sorry, but I’m one of that guys that if she a girl crying have to try to help her”

“Hi, Kyle, I’m fine” I lie; I must look terrible because the face that he put when I look at him is really worried.

“Nope, you cannot lie to me” he affirms “So tell me what is going on?”

“It’s just… Gabriel seem to have forgotten me” I cry again “but really forgotten”

“I see, but that’s impossible” he says and sits at my side.

“Not in my world” I whisper.

“Which world?” he asks, and when I start to cry again he hugs me “let’s go outside, let’s skip this lesson” I nod the last that I want is to have a two hours English lesson.

“Where do you want to go?” he asks me when we finally are out of school”

“Nowhere” I say.

“Well, what do you want to do?”

“Nothing” I don’t want to do anything but that is too rude to say to someone that is trying to help.

“Okay then I decide” he thinks for a little before says “I know we will go to the ice rink, I know you like it Mike tells me” that cheers me up, but just a little bit “and then I will help you with your problem”

“Okay, thank you but…” I try to smile but obviously I fail “but aren’t you going to get in trouble for that?”

“Are you?” I shake my head Jane doesn’t care about that if I get good marks “My dad doesn’t care; he says that school is for stupid guys”

“I agree with your dad”

“Okay, so that’s what you think” he make a grimace.

“I’m sorry” I murmur.

“Its okay” he says “let’s go to the ice rink”

”I don’t want to go to the ice rink” I doubt but I go on “I want to go to the library”

“That’s okay” he says and look at me “The one at the centre of the town” I shake my head.

“No, Gabriel’s one, I can enter in his house and I want to check some books in there”

He nods and doesn’t talk the way to Gabriel’s house, I stare out of the window with my mind thinking about I’m really looking for, I just do that because I think it would help, it’s one of this feelings that you know you should follow.

“This is…” he starts “Wow, now I know what you like him” he says when he saw the palace.

“Whatever” I say I’m not in a good mood today.

I walk to the door, and when I’m going to put my hand on the door bell he says to me.

“You shouldn’t do it” he is really serious so I turn around to face him.


“Because is his house and if you get in he could go after you” he looks at me.

“You don’t know anything” I shout.

“I know more than what you think” he says still calm.

“Yeah sure” I laugh “You don’t”

“Okay let’s try, your ex-boyfriend is a Light Slayer who lives with his little brother and Viviane the Light Slayer leader in here, your best friend is the vampire who turn your other friend” I stare mouth open at him “And your mom is a vampire a really powerful one who let you with your dad the King of elves and you cannot go back to Weld, which you draw lately, because if you go back the queen will kill you, am I wrong” I shake my head.

“What I am?” I ask he looks at me disconcerted “What do you know about what I am?”

“I just know that you are the mix between a vampire and an elf, and that’s why you shouldn’t get in” I smile maliciously.

“You forget something my granddad was a Light Slayer so I am” I reproach him “So I can get in” I turn again and push softly the door it opens easily “how do you know all that?” I ask.

“My dad knows” he answer me “I can’t tell you anymore”

I keep walking inside the house and get in the library I look every book I don’t know what I’m looking for, the library is big there is a table in front of a big window, I can see Viviane coming from outside but I can’t leave yet, on the table there is a lot of books an notes and then I see it, it’s a book with a dark cover and a silver full moon on the centre of it, the vampires symbol, I run for it, I try to open it but I can’t, Kyle it’s looking at me from the door. I let the book on the table, I read some notes about it, it seems that Viviane is trying to open it but she can’t, I put my hand in front of the moon to touch it and then it opens, but in that exact moment I hear steps coming from the corridor, Viviane is near, so I close the book and run outside with Kyle trough the window, at least it was the ground floor.

“That was near” he murmurs “I let you home”

“Okay” I say while I get in, this time while he drives I look curious at the book, thinking about if I would find the answer in there.

“So is that book what you wanted?”

“Maybe, I’m not sure I just know that’s a vampires book and they cannot open it and shouldn’t have it” I say thinking why they have it.

“Oh, so you didn’t know what were we looking for?” he asks teased.

“Nope, sorry I feel that I gotta went there” I answer again looking at the book it looks familiar not only because I heard how it was, “I think I see it before”

“Really? When?” I shake my head.

“I don’t know”

“Well I can investigate a little bit for you” he says and stops the car “See you tomorrow” I go out of the car and wave at him then I enter in my house, it’s 12 o’clock, the school ends at half past 2, but Jane is going to be at 1 o’clock in home so I cannot go home yet, she can’t discover where I’ve been, so I decided to walk to Nicole’s house, and look the book there.


Chapter 8

I enter in Nicole’s house and go to the kitchen, it is clean and normal no like it was four days ago, I sit on the nearest chair to the window, I put the book on the table and read what it’s on the cover it seems a different language first, and then it makes sense Vampires Secrets and History it’s an important vampires book I studied it with my dad, yes the vampires study their history too.
I put my hand on the top of the book, and it opens, and like before the words doesn’t make sense at the beginning and then it makes sense and some drawings and some pictures appear, then I remember the protections that the vampires use to protect their most important books or diaries, only a vampire can read it an open it.
I look over the pages, thinking why Viviane had it, then something falls from it, it’s a piece of paper, I turn it and see a picture, a picture that I saw before, there is my dad and my mom, the real one, and I’m a baby in her arms, I’m around 2 years old on that photo, all of us are smiling, on a sunny day in… I think it’s Italy, because of the back building structure. I feel tears falling through my cheeks, I’m going to put it In my pocket when I see a writing on the pack it says:

Dear Vanessa:
I’m sorry for let you alone all of this years, and I’m not sure If you would read it someday, but I need to tell you some important things.
The first of them is that I love you and I never wanted to let you, and I did that to protect you, there is a lot of people who will kill you if they know you are my daughter, let you was the hardest thing that I’ve ever done.
Secondly is the book where you find is from our family, it is the most important book for the vampires all our secrets are there now is yours you have to keep our history and what you learn, only vampires can read it and only one with our family blood can open it.
You should already know that you have really special abilities and you would have to use it, I wish I could teach you.
The last that I have to tell you is from which clan or vampire family do you came from, we are one of the most powerful family, but not everyone agrees with our decisions that’s why I’m running now, I’m powerful but I cannot stop them, they are a human congregation against vampires and our treats with Light Slayers. They are called Dunkler Krieger, be careful if they find you they will try to hurt you first and then kill you, some of them have special abilities to use magic, in this book you will find some help, some spells that they usually use and how to broke them, but you have to know which one is the correct if you don’t know it and you try to broke it can be catastrophic!
Good Luck Darling! I will see you some day.
With Love: Elizabeth


When I finish to read it I notice that I’m crying, I was blaming her because she let me, and now I know why and it doesn’t help because Gabriel isn’t with me to help me to find her, and what she says means that I have an enemy, a strong one and I didn’t know.
I put the photograph between the first pages, and keep looking at the book there is some stories that my dad told me, but some of them I didn’t know, but I’m looking for the Dunkler Krieger, to find something that can help me to recognise them. I found it in the middle it says:
Dunkler Krieger: They are a community of thousands humans with some special abilities, and working with some magicians, which help them to hunt, and kill, the most powerful vampires and the Light Slayer which makes deals or has any kind of relationship with us. They are really dangerous. All what we know about their leader is that her right hand is a little girl, and there is also a man in the top list, we don’ know who are them, but the little girl abilities are the power of use magic, she is really strong and good in fight. The man has a child, and is charmed and always has the control of the things that happen around him, he is not really strong but is a good mind reader.
We just know that the leader is a powerful young woman, and they are following to kill specially the Silver Blood vampires.
I’m disconcerted about what I read, what are the Silver Blood vampires? And, who are the two Dunkler Krieger people which it is about? I’m thinking about it when Alice comes in with Mike.
“Hi, Nessa!” she says “Are you better? You don’t look as sad as before”
“Hi guys, What? Oh God I forgot! Gabriel! I’ve been thinking in other stuff”
“Really I cannot believe it” Mike jokes.
“That book, is your family book?” Nicole asks me pointing my book, and I automatically close it, and nod “Where you found it?”
“Wait, what’s a family book?” Mike asks disconcerted.
“It is a book which started to be written by the first member of a vampires family and it is given from one generation to the other, but only the pure blood vampires, have a book” Nicole answers “That’s why she has a book and I don’t”
“But his dad is not a vampire why then she is a pure blood vampire” Mike asks again.
“Because she wasn’t bitten she born like a vampire and to be a pure blood vampire you have to born vampire, and all of your family from the first one has to be a pure vampire” She says quickly “So where you found it?”
“Viviane has it in their library” I answer “I went there because I thought I had to go, and I found it she couldn’t open it, and there was a letter from my mom inside, I think Gabriel found it before forget everything”
“That makes sense” She says “Now we have to find how we can help Gabriel, and that book will help”
“Okay let’s go look inside” I say “Wait I will call Jane and say I will stay here tonight, it’s that alright?”
“Yes, sure, use the hall phone” she says and goes to the fridge and takes some salad and starts to eat it.
I call Jane and she picks up the phone quite fast, what worried me.
“Hi! Jane, I call you ‘cause I wanna’ stay in Nicole’s house this night, can I?” I say before let her talk to much.
“Oh, okay” she says.
“Are you okay?” I ask worried “Jane, if is something happening tell me that you are just… tired okay?” I say remembering what the book says, the Dunkler Krieger, they would hurt everyone that have contact with the vampires, I swallow hard waiting her answer I know she won’t lie me, not in this case.
“Oh, I’m fine, I’m just tired” She says I hold my breath and say good bye, then I cut the call.
“I gotta’ go” I say take the book putting it in my bag and walking outside, Nicole is looking at me mouth open half eating some chips, she swallows it fast and run behind me to the door.
“Where are you going? What’s happening?” She is worried.
“I tell you later stay here” I say before start to run as fast as I can and thinking that I don’t want her near if something is going wrong in home that wouldn’t help.
I took me less than a minute to reach my house, super vampire speed, and I get in by the back door, the garden is just like Gabriel and I let it, I remember that night: his hair was getting stick on his face, and his blue eyes seemed bigger, then he caught me in his arms and kissed me putting one of his hand on the small of my back and the other on my cheek. But I stop the thinking of it as fast as it comes and I let silently the bag behind a chair, and enter in the house, the door is close and I have to open it with magic, because if I use the keys it would make too much noise.
I’m finally inside and everything is quiet in the kitchen, I walk carefully, and go to the living room there is some noise coming from there, but again there is no one inside, I’m start to be nervous but I try to keep calm and concentrate, I go upstairs, and then I hear it, there is someone arguing, two unfamiliar voices:
“What we have to do with her?” the first voice says, is a man with a strong German accent.
“We should wait to the Leiter orders; she is who transmits the Lehrer wishes” a female voice says.
“I think we should kill her” the man says again, I hold my breath and make an effort to stay quiet.
“No! Karsten, we have to wait” the woman repeats firmly.
“Okay, but they would say it you now it Katherine” I keep listening for a while but they didn’t say anything important and I’m just about to jump and rescue Jane when I hear a mobile phone ringing, theirs.
“Okay” Katherine says, “Don’t worry we would do it” I just hear the half of the conversation, “Karsten will kill her and I’ll go after the little girl” agh, again little girl, I know I have to act now but I need a name.
“Dia…” the girl starts and then look at where I am “there is someone, did you check the entire house” Shit, she saw me.
“Yes, I did” He answers “And there wasn’t anyone here”
“Then the little girl comes here to save her mom, so nice” she says and laugh “Catch her!”
“Okay” a big man open the door and look for me when he sees me he looks at me with a bright cold blue that contrast with his dark black hair, but what attract my attention is a mark on the top of his neck, I’m sure I saw it before.
I move fast to his left and evaded his arms, I laugh to make him nervous, when he turns to face me I jump over him and roll on the air to fall behind him and hit the back of his knees making him fall forward.
“What is it taken you so long?” Katherine sighs and comes to help Karsten.
“Two to one is not a fair fight” I joke, and face them both, she is smaller than the man but she is still one head bigger than me, she is red haired and his dark eyes are fixed on me, she has the same tattoo that the other man.
“Maybe, but the end would be the same” she says taking a dagger, from her belt, he imitates her taking a knife, and I’m weapon less, and I don’t know what to do, and they are getting nearer I walk backwards to the stairs and when the man jumps over me I blend my knees and he falls over, I look backwards and I made a big mistake the girl kick me and makes me fall backwards down stairs, and fall over the man, I stand up faster and when the man starts to do the same I broke Jane’s favourite vase on his head and let him unconscious, what makes her angrier, I take his knife and throw it to the girl and it stick her arm at the wall just before she throws her dagger, I run upstairs to see Jane.
She is lying on the bed, she is still alive, I take a piece of paper and a pen and write fast: Take care of her, I’m in trouble, DO NOT COME!! Love Nessa. I write so fast that it didn’t seem mine, anyway I put on her chest and put my hand on her and recite:
“If it is not your place or you need to move
There is your opportunity, go fast
Disappear and get safe don’t dude,
Appear in your safe place
And come without rush”

Then Jane disappears and if I didn’t make any mistake she would appear in Nicole’s house, the book should say that a spell let you exhausted, I try to get up and go down stairs, but when I’m on the top of the stairs I feel dizzy and fall over down stairs again, but this time when I try to get up I feel a great pain on the back of my head and fall unconscious.

Chapter 9


When I get up, I’m not in my house anymore. I’m in a small room, the walls are painted in a light gray, I’m sitting on the bed and look around, there is a small window near to the ceiling, too small to escape, there is a wardrobe on the other side of the room, and a little desk with light, at my right is another smaller room, I enter, is a bathroom, with a shower and a mirror, and the same small window. I open the wardrobe, inside it I find a lot of black t-shirts, two jeans and some pairs of boots.

I don’t know where I am, neither what time it is, I stand on the bed and look through, the window, I just can see a river and a forest, there is nothing around… wherever I am, and I’m on second floor, or third. I can say by the sun that is early on the morning.

I look in my pockets for my mobile phone I cannot find it, I hold my necklace in my hands and think hard on my dad, who gave it to me, it’s an elf stone it has some magic powers, and I ask it to make appear my book, maybe it says something about this place, it appears almost instantaneously.

“I think she’s awake, ma’am” the man from the other day is talking to someone.

“Okay, Karsten, don’t let her get out” a female voice, I hear that voice before, but when I try to remember whose voice is it, my head starts to hurt. “I want to have time to think in my… revenge” I almost can’t difference the last word because she says it too softly.

“Okay, my Leiter” Karsten says and then I hear the girl leaving him alone.

I stay for five minutes trying to remember who she can be, but I give up and sit on my bed again, and take the book, that I just made appear and start to look at it and try to find something to help me out of here, but I don’t found anything helpful, the information about it is almost inexistent, those who write it have been running from ages and never fighted them neither been trapped, so I’m first and I know I should write about it in the book later. I keep looking at it not stopping in my family history that is not important now, I will use the time that I’m going to be here to investigate about Gabriel’s problem.

It took me half an hour to find it, and it was too small that I suppose I passed it the first time I look for it. It says:

Their favourite spell to them is make the people you love forget you, to let you alone, and then destruct you. We only now a way to broke it…

I try to keep reading but the page is broken and on the other page there is nothing. I shout in frustration, and then I know I mess everything up, I hide the book and stay on the bed. Karsten opens the door and walks to me and stands in front of me.

“Why did you shout?” he says with his strong German accent.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been here alone around one hour doing nothing but look at that horrible door” I answer and add “and I’m hungry” at show at him my little fangs and laugh, I lie to him, but he is nervous now and that can help me to get out of here, I stand up and get close to him.

“Well, you’ll have to wait” he says going one step backwards.

“Oh, c’mon just a bite” I say trying to make him even nervous.

“I know you don’t drink blood” he says laughing.

“I have to try it” I say throwing myself to the bed “Anyway I’m hungry, and if I’m here now that means your bosses don’t want me death yet, and I usually don’t drink blood but it doesn’t mean that I cannot do it and kill you” I threaten him.

“Okay I’ll see what I can do” he says and goes out of the room.

“Oh and I want a pencil” I shout, I got an idea to see what was on that page.

I didn’t wait too long, to get what I want, some bread with cheese for eat and a cup of water, the pencil and some paper.

“There you got” Karsten says awkwardly “Enjoy it, it can be your last meal” he smiles at me showing his perfect teeth.

“I doubt it” I smile back at him “Thank you” maybe he kidnapped me but he gets me what I need and I won’t be longer.

“You’re Welcome” He says laughing like if I say something funny.

When he closes the door I put the food at one side take the book and go to the broken page and paint in black the end of the page after the definition page to see what was there. I finish reading it:

Their favourite spell to them is make the people you love forget you, to let you alone, and then destruct you. We only now a way to broke it and it is to make them remember, you have to create a spell that fit with you, write it on the book and say it out loud, and them will start to remember, after that burn the page.

I’m about to start to write it when I heard someone coming I hide the book again and wait to something to happen.

“Bring her out!” says the same girl that before, “Put it on and check that she cannot see”

“Yes, ma’am” Karsten says and gets in the room, I try to get up and look through the door to see who is she, but Karsten hold me tight on my sit and put a cloth on my eyes to blind me “Get up, and walk to the door” he says.

“I don’t know where the door is and I cannot see so how I am supposed to walk” I say annoyed, and he laughs but the girl doesn’t like my words.

“Let’s go” she says and starts to walk Karsten guides me from my back.

We stop in the middle of somewhere I cannot see anything but I can feel people looking at me and hear the “Is she human?”, “She doesn’t seem like a vampire”; “she is a monster” “We should kill her” and stuff alike.

“Silence” a woman voice says “Who is she?” she asks.

“She is…” the annoying girl starts.

“I’m Vanessa Portrait” I cut her, I hear murmurs around us “My mum is one of the vampires you are tracking and my dad was an elf is that enough? Or should I keep saying who I am?” the woman laugh sweetly.

“So you are Elizabeth daughter” I nod “I see, you look like her, but you are courageous like your dad, let her in the same room that before and make Elizabeth know we got her she would come” She says and Karsten take me out of the room and let me in the same room as before.

I run to the bath room and look at the mirror, close my eyes and think on my mum, then I open my eyes, I see a beautiful woman she look like me but her eyes are the vampire turquoise blue, and she look older, when I see her I hold her image on the mirror and think do not believe anything you hear I’ll be okay if you don’t come, I think it again and again and then I hear in my mind Okay darling, I will see you another time, I love you; and with this words I let the image goes, and this time I think in Nicole, and I see her taking care about Jane as I ask her, I let the image vanishes again to change it for Gabriel, I see him inside of a car driving fast with Liam at his side and Viviane on the back.

“Do not push you too hard” Liam says “You are not going to get anything”

“Maybe” Gabriel answers, thinking in something else.

“Go faster and Stop thinking” Liam says and he nods and drives faster.

I let the image vanishes again, I’m getting tired but I’ve to make Gabriel remember so I start to think how the spell should be and I start to remember the first day we met:

I was walking from school with my best friend, Charlotte, talking about our day.

“Oh, I’m really bored about this school, there is only girls here never happens anything” she sighs, we were going to a private only girls school, she was rich and popular in school “What do you think about it?”

“I think that I prefer nothing goes on, that something goes wrong” I smiled at her, she was wearing a pony tail and the school uniform, a dark blue blazer and a black skirt “You know I’m not a good lucking girl” I said still smiling, I was in that school because of a scholar ship, Jane didn’t has so much money, she couldn’t get a good work, and we had to sell our house, we were living in an apartment in a really bad place.

“Yes, true, Have you gotta go alone through that creepy street?” She said pointing the street which ends in my house door, I nod and waved at her.

“Bye Charlotte!” I said, and that was the last time I saw her, but I didn’t know that. She waved at me back and we both kept walking to our houses.

After a few minutes walking I felt someone following me, I started to walk faster and then I crashed in someone. I looked at him, I didn’t recognise him, and he didn’t look nice I turned to run but then I saw another boy standing there, and the guy next to me caught my arm and held me not to run away. I looked again at him, and even I was really scared I couldn’t help but think he was handsome, really handsome with his sky blue eyes, and his blond hair, he looked perfect, but he was also strong, and he pushed me through a wall when I tried to run away, and put a knife on my throat, the other boy tensed, he looked younger, but still handsome the difference between them was the hair the young one was dark brown haired.

“What do you want for me?” I asked looking at his eyes, he wasn’t moving, he was looking at me in the same way.

“I want to kill you, that’s my job” He said coldly “But first I wanna know what did you do with James Parker” He was talking about Jimmy my neighbour.

“Me? I didn’t do anything; I didn’t see him since Saturday!” I defended myself “Who are you and what happened to him?” I said nervous.

“Me I’m a Light Slayer, stupid vampire, and he is death without blood” He said angrily. My colour disappeared from my face and I couldn’t say a thing.

“Let her go Gabriel, she doesn’t know anything, look at her face” the younger boy said.

“Who could be?” Gabriel said to me “Do you know?”

“No,” I shake my head “I have no idea there is not more vampires in this area and I don’t drink human or any kind of blood, my dad was an elf so I don’t need such a thing” I said with more courage “So can you take the knife off” I ended pushing him away.

“Okay, so we have to keep looking, and be careful girl we will be watching you” The blond guy said.

“I want to help” I shouted “I want to see how you kill the person who killed Jimmy, and I know the area I can help” I said asking them.

“Okay, you can come but I would look at you every single moment” He whispered on my ear putting his arm over my shoulders, I stepped aside nearer to the brown hair guy.

“Hi! I’m Liam, what’s your name?” The young guy said making me felt better with his natural happiness.

“I’m Vanessa, and who is he?” I said pointing Gabriel with my head.

“He is Gabriel my old brother” he smiled.

I start to write the spell by that first moment and I suddenly remember another day. My first day of school.

Jane finally got a good job and we had to leave anyway I didn’t want to stay there anymore since Charlotte has disappeared. We moved to a residential area the school wasn’t far from home, but Jane insisted to let me at school.

No one talked to me the first two hours but then when I was trying to find the art room I crushed on someone, I fell down to the floor and I looked up to say sorry.

“Sorry, I didn’t …” He started “Vanessa Portrait? You are the girl who helps us to find Jimmy’s killer?” he added helping me to stand up I nodded “Wow, how long has it been, three months?” I nodded again with tears on my eyes.

“Yes and after that Charlotte disappeared!” I said but I wasn’t blaming him “I’m sorry is that all is so weird” he nodded.

“Which lesson is your next?” He asked and I answered him “Is the other way, I go with you, I have art too”

He came with me to home and just before he leaved he kissed me. I stood out looking he walked away a very long time that was our first kiss. From that moment he starts to come to drive me to school every day, and that’s how we started to go out together as boyfriends.

I finished the spell, say it aloud burn it and then I pray for it to work I close the book and lie on the bed looking at the ceiling for hours.



Capítulo 1


Nunca he sido una chica a la que le gusta ir a las discotecas, todas esas personas en un sitio cerrado me ponen muy nerviosa; pero de todos modos me deje convencer por Stephanie  para ir a una, después de pedírmelo durante dos horas no podía negarme

– Me pasaré por tu casa una hora antes de ir, para cambiarnos – añadió Stephanie muy emocionada – muchas gracias, sabes que estoy deseando volver – claro que lo sabía, se había pasado toda la semana contándome lo guapo, inteligente y carismático que era el chico que había conocido allí.

– De acuerdo, pero luego no me eches la culpa si él no está allí – le espeté sabiendo lo que podría pasar si ese chico no aparecía el sábado en la discoteca, Stephanie lloraría una semana y después empezaría a criticarle de por vida.

– Vale, lo prometo, no te culparé – me dijo, cosa que no creí ni por un momento, Stephanie es la clase de chica hiperactiva que no piensa ni la mitad de cosas que dice o que hace – me tengo que ir, nos vemos mañana – se despidió mientras subía al coche de su hermana.

– Adiós – murmuré puesto que ya era demasiado tarde para que me oyese – ¡Genial! Ahora no me podré librar de ir – musité con ironía pensando que no había nadie para escucharme, pero Pedro estaba allí.

– Librarte de qué – rió Pedro, yo haciéndole caso omiso aceleré el paso y subí al autobús, justo antes de que se cerrasen las puertas, provocando que Pedro se quedase fuera en mi lugar, y vengando me por todas las veces que me lo había hecho él a mí.

Esa misma tarde después de acabar mis deberes me puse a ver la tele y preparé la cena.

– Hola cariño, – me saludó mi madre  y me besó en la frente – huele muy bien.

– Gracias mamá,  ¿viene papá a cenar? – le pregunté

– No, ha recogido a tú hermano y van juntos a ver un partido de fútbol.

– Bueno, es una pena – acabé de preparar la cena, puse los platos y me senté junto a mi madre, comentamos un poco por encima lo que habíamos hecho a lo largo del día mientras cenábamos, cuando acabé puse los platos en el lavaplatos y me fui a mi habitación.

Me acosté temprano sabiendo que el día siguiente se me haría muy largo, pero lo extraño fue el sueño que  tuve aquella noche.

Estaba sola en medio del campo, no había árboles, la hierba se movía suavemente bajo mis pies descalzos, olía a rosas pero no alcancé a ver ninguna, llevaba puesto un vestido blanco, de tirantes, muy simple y elegante al mismo tiempo. Vi una sombra a lo lejos y guiada por un impulso que no sabía de donde procedía me acerqué a ella, era la silueta de un muchacho, y aunque estaba de espaldas pude apreciar que era joven,  llevaba el mismo estilo de ropa que yo una camisa y unos pantalones blancos, y guiada por el mismo impulso anterior, alargué mi mano para tocar su hombro, empezó a darse la vuelta. El despertador sonó en ese mismo momento y no pude verle la cara, desperté con un sentimiento de intriga procedente de ese sueño.

Bajé a desayunar a las 9:00 después de recoger mi habitación. Desayuné sola, otra vez, mi padre y mi hermano seguían durmiendo y mi madre había dejado una nota en la nevera:

Lo siento mucho, ha habido una urgencia en el hospital y me he tenido que marchar, estaré de vuelta para cenar. Misty, ¿Te importaría hacer la compra? Gracias.

Os Quiere Sam.

Cuando acabé de desayunar subí silenciosamente a mi habitación, me vestí con unos vaqueros y una sudadera, me recogí el pelo en una coleta, cogí el dinero y la lista de la compra que había dejado mi madre en la entrada y me fui a hacer la compra, regresé a casa una hora más tarde y guardé todo en la nevera.

Aunque eran apenas las 10:00 de la mañana, me cambié y me tiré a hacer un par de largos.

– Buenos días enana – me dijo una voz familiar desde el borde de la piscina.

– Buenos días Jeremy – le contesté, sujetándome al bordillo de la piscina e ignorando su molesto comentario – ¿Te acabas de levantar?

– Sí, ¿Y mamá? – Miró el reloj – ¿Cuánto llevas en la piscina?

– Mamá está en el hospital, un rato, no lo sé, ¿Qué hora es?

– Las doce – me sonrió, lo que significaba que me iba a pedir algo – ¿Qué tal si me preparas el desayuno?

– ¡No!, ni hablar, además ¿por qué iba a hacerlo? – lo sabía, salí de la piscina cogí la toalla y me la puse sobre los hombros.

-Porque soy tu hermano mayor – rió

-Pues justo por eso, no – volvió a reírse de mí, y mientras se echaba su pelo moreno hacia atrás, me sonrió pícaramente y supe que acababa de meter la pata.

– Venga, te echo una carrera, si gano me harás el desayuno durante toda la semana- y yo muy tonta de mí, incapaz de negarme a un reto aún sabiendo que no ganaré, porque aunque yo sea rápida él lo es más, además de que el lleva compitiendo 5 años y yo solamente 3.

– De acuerdo, pero si ganó yo, harás de chofer para mí durante toda la semana – aceptó – Cámbiate y competimos – volvió a reírse y empezó a quitarse la camiseta y los pantalones quedándose en bañador.

-Sabía que aceptarías – dijo riéndose aún más de mí.

-Yo doy la salida – le contesté, sabiendo que esa sería mi única  oportunidad para poder ganar y que me había engañado, otra vez.

Nos colocamos en lo hondo de la piscina, preparados para tirarnos de cabeza, grité Ya y ambos saltamos a la piscina, me esforcé al máximo por ganar, le cogí la delantera, al llegar a lo bajo di la voltereta para cambiar mi dirección de nuevo, y al ver, que llevaba algo de ventaja me relajé sin aminorar el esfuerzo,  pero en ese mismo momento Jeremy, aumentó la velocidad  y en apenas unos segundos me adelantó y llegó primero a nuestra meta.

– ¡Tramposo! – le grité cabreada saliendo de la piscina, el se rió de mí.

– Huevos fritos y bacón – justo en ese momento pasé a su lado, le miré, le grité – Idiota – y le empujé con todas mis fuerzas, pero el continuó riéndose de mí y se dejo caer lentamente de espaldas al agua, muy frustrada cogí la toalla y subí a mi habitación, me puse ropa seca me sequé el pelo con la toalla y bajé  a prepararle el desayuno a mi hermano.

– Toma – le puse el plato delante a Jeremy,  salí de la cocina y me crucé con mi padre – Buenos días, papá – le sonreí y él me beso en la mejilla.

– Buenos días mi niña, ¿por qué estás de mal humor?

– Pregúntale al idiota de tu hijo – le contesté malhumorada.

Subí a mi habitación, me duché para quitarme el cloro del pelo, cambié la sudadera por una camiseta y metí algo de dinero y mi IPod en un bolso y me fui a dar una vuelta tenía unas dos horas antes de tener que volver para preparar la comida.

Justo cuando decidí que iba a volver ya a casa vi una pequeña librería, tenía un aspecto antiguo aunque estaba segura de que no estaba ahí la semana pasada, entré, una señora me saludó desde el mostrador al oír las campanitas de la puerta. Observé los libros de las estanterías con atención, aquel lugar me producía una extraña sensación de familiaridad, uno de los libros llamó mi atención. Tenía la cubierta negra,  con las letras en rojo escarlata y un símbolo, cuyo significado desconocía, en plateado, no había ni comentario, ni resumen ni siquiera autor, pero el título atrajo mi atención, Sueños escrito en color escarlata. Me dirigí al mostrador y le entregue el libro a la anciana dependienta, quién me sonrió mostrando  una dentadura a la que le faltaban varios dientes.

– Buena elección Misty – dijo la anciana – son 15  euros – le entregué el dinero y me marché desconcertada, ¿cómo sabía mi nombre? Nada más salir de la tienda, sentí como si me hubiesen quitado un peso de encima, pero a la vez como si me hubiesen dejado algo vacía.

Volví a mi casa, no había nadie, Jeremy estaría con su novia, mi padre con sus amigos y mi madre seguía en el hospital, comí un sándwich y me fui a mi cuarto, empecé a ojear mi libro, tenía varios dibujos y símbolos que no comprendía, y comentarios en distintos idiomas, no lo leí en profundidad sino que lo deje sobre mi mesilla de noche y busqué mi móvil, eran las 3:00 de la tarde según este, Stephanie llegaría en cualquier momento. Habíamos sido amigas desde  primaria por lo que sabía que cuando ella decía una hora antes eran dos.

El timbre de la puerta sonó, abrí la puerta y allí estaba Stephanie, con su melena pelirroja recogida en una coleta, llevaba puestas unas gafas de Sol y dos grandes bolsas llenas de ropa.

– Bueno, ¿me dejas pasar o no? – dijo a modo de saludo con una sonrisa – Subamos a tu cuarto –  le sonreí y cerré la puerta en cuanto ella pasó.

Subimos corriendo a mi habitación, abrió sus bolsas sobre mi cama y abrió mi armario.

– Veamos que te pongo – me sonrió – voy a dejarte deslumbrante – empezó a mirar dentro de mi armario y sacó de él una falda de volantes negros, que solo me había puesto una vez, y una camiseta blanca de manga corta, me hizo probármelo, después me cambio la camiseta blanca por una gris y otra vez por una blanca pero de tirantes, me dio unas bailarinas negras y una torera, a la que yo llamaría chaqueta si no fuese porque después Stephanie me mataría.

Ella optó por ponerse una camiseta roja, unos shorts negros y unos zapatos con un poco de tacón.

– Ahora toca maquillaje – dijo colocándome una vieja camiseta gris y luego poniéndose otra igual. Nos colocamos ambas en frente del espejo y nos maquillamos, yo me puse simplemente un poco de colorete, brillo de labios y la raya, ella se pinto algo más cambiando el brillo de labios por un pintalabios rojo carmesí y una sombra de ojos negra.

– ¿Para qué era la camiseta? – pregunté quitándomela, si me hubiese resistido a ponérmela no habría sobrevivido para contarlo, Stephanie se enfada con suma facilidad.

– Para no manchar la ropa, por supuesto – puse los ojos en blanco y tiré la camiseta a lo sucio, me pasé el cepillo por el pelo y al acabar me miré al espejo. Tenía el pelo liso negro azabache corto, cayendo hasta los hombros, Stephanie siempre me echaba en cara que mi pelo fuese liso,  y con la raya destacaban aún más mis ojos azul celeste, que contrastaban con mi pelo, hacía mucho que no me veía así de guapa.

– Wow, estás preciosa – exclamó Stephanie, ella llevaba el pelo recogido en un moño, lo que le daba un aire elegante, pero como un par de rizos pelirrojos rebeldes salían de su sitio, parecía algo más casual – Soy una artista.

– Oye, que yo también tengo mi mérito – reí con ella, me miró con esos ojos negros suyos, y me dijo:

-No, no lo creo – y estalló a carcajadas, le miré y empecé a reír, cogí un bolso, metí mi móvil y dinero.

– Vámonos o no llegaremos a coger el autobús a tiempo – le recordé.

– Nos lleva mi hermana, mamá le ha castigado – se rió y se encogió de hombros.

Su hermana llegó cinco minutos más tarde, subimos al coche y Stephanie siguió contándome lo increíble que era su chico. Melanie, su hermana, nos dejó justo en la puerta de la discoteca, y yo me dirigí hacia la cola, pero  Stephanie me agarró del brazo y tiró de mí hacia ella.

– No vamos a hacer cola – le miré desconcertada – mi hermano pincha hoy aquí – me aclaró.

– Oh, no tenía ni idea – nos dirigimos al frente de la cola y Stephanie, hablo con el hombre de la puerta.

– Soy la hermana de DJ Marco – Le dijo sonriendo.

– Sí claro, vuelve a la cola niña – Stephanie se enfadó mucho y llamó a su hermano.

– Marco, sal a buscarme que no me dejan entrar – colgó y al poco tiempo salió su hermano y nos dejó entrar.

– Hola Misty, cuánto tiempo – me saludó Marco, es cierto que no nos veíamos desde hacía mucho, había crecido bastante ahora me sacaba una cabeza, tenía los mismos ojos negros que su hermana y el cabello negro también.

-Hola Marco, casi un año ¿no? – le devolví el saludo, Stephanie y yo entramos en la sala seguidas por él, y empezamos a bailar, después de una media hora apareció su chico.

– Hola Pedro – le saludó ella súper contenta.

-¡Pedro! – le grité yo – ¿Por qué no me lo habías dicho? – le espeté.

– Porque sino no habrías venido – contestó, con cara de desesperación – mi madre dijo que tenía que venir con alguien.

– No me voy a ir, porque te lo he prometido y yo cumplo mis promesas, pero no pienso a volver a venir – Me dirigí a la barra pedí una coca-cola y me senté en uno de los taburetes de allí.

Esperé sentada y aburrida, mirando a la gente bailar, con los brazos cruzados. De repente como salido de la nada un chico se me acercó.

– Esto… Perdona… – me dijo tímidamente, mientras yo seguía a Stephanie, mientras bailaba, con la vista – ¿Te gustaría… bailar conmigo? – dirigí mi atención al chico, tenía unos ojos de  un precioso azul celeste, el pelo rubio y rizado,  y aunque estaba segura de no haberle visto nunca antes, sentía que le conocía y me era familiar.

– Bueno, me parece bien – le sonreí y me devolvió la sonrisa mostrándome sus perfectos dientes blancos.

– Soy Miguel, ¿Cómo te llamas? – ya no estaba tan tímido como al principio, fuimos juntos hasta la pista donde estaban todos bailando.

– Misty – le contesté colocándome el pelo detrás de la oreja.

Bailamos juntos un rato, y después me invito a otra coca-cola y nos sentamos a hablar en el mismo sitio que antes.

– ¿Puedo preguntarte una cosa? – dijo Miguel mirándome con sus preciosos ojos azules, yo le sonreí y asentí, no sabía el por qué pero con él me sentía segura y tranquila – ¿Por qué estás aquí? Quiero decir, está claro que no te gustan las discotecas.

– Oh, es porque mi amiga quería venir y no podía venir sola – dije sonriendo tristemente – y me ha dejado de lado por el chico al que quería ver.

-Pues no quiero parecer borde, pero me alegro de que te haya dejado de lado – le miré muy ofendida – no te lo tomes a mal, es que si no te hubiese dado de lado no te habría visto – me contestó poniéndose colorado.

– Bueno en ese caso, yo también me alegro – dije también poniéndome roja.

– Esto… – intentó decirme algo pero Stephanie llego en ese mismo momento.

– Tenemos que irnos, Melanie está en la puerta – me dijo sin reparar en Miguel – mis padres me van a matar es muy tarde – miré el reloj eran las 8:00.

– No es tan tarde pero si te tienes que ir… – me giré para despedirme de Miguel – Gracias, he pasado un buen rato contigo, adiós – me volvía a dar la vuelta para marcharme pero él me agarró el brazo y me retuvo.

– No vayas con ella – Me dijo mirándome muy preocupado.

– Es mi amiga y a ti no te conozco – contesté zafándome de su brazo y volviendo con mi amiga – ¿Por qué tenemos que volver tan pronto?

– Mi madre me ha llamado y me ha pedido que me dé prisa – contestó encogiéndose de hombros.

– ¿Ha pasado algo? – le pregunté preocupada.

– Nada que te pueda contar – no me miró para contestarme y salió por la puerta.

– ¿Dónde está tu hermana? – me estaba empezando a cabrear.

– Espera al  otro lado de ese callejón – me dijo indiferente, no parecía ella misma.

– ¿Por qué estas así? ¿Ha pasado algo con Pedro? – yo ya no sabía ni qué hacer ni qué decir, empezaba a dudar que fuese mi amiga, pero ¿quién iba a ser si no?

-No, no ha pasado nada con Pedro y estoy así por tu culpa – no encontraba sentido alguno a sus palabras pero decidí callarme.

El callejón estaba oscuro y sucio, a mitad de camino Stephanie me pegó contra una pared sujetándome por los brazos con una fuera sobrehumana.

-¿Qué estás haciendo? – le grité muy asustada.

– Es culpa tuya, yo lo intenté, intenté convencerles, pero tu tuviste que cagarla – me espetó y yo seguía sin entender el significado de lo que decía – ¿Por qué no pudiste estarte quieta?, no, tú tenías que encontrar el libro, mira que me costó mantenerte apartada y a salvo, pero es que no te quedaste ahí, si no que le encontraste y te enamoraste de él.

-¿De qué estás hablando? ¿Estás borracha? – le grité llorando, me estaba haciendo daño y me tenía muy asustada – No sé que me estás diciendo – se rió de mí con ganas.

– Entonces ¿todavía no has leído el libro? – rió aún más fuerte – Más fácil para mí, créeme que lo siento pero si no lo hago me matarán a mí – grité todo lo fuerte que pude, pero ella rió y me tapó la boca – No grites, no te servirá de nada, ten un poco de dignidad – dio un paso para atrás, y yo intenté salir corriendo pero aunque ella estuviese lejos de mí yo seguía sujeta a la pared.

– Creía que éramos amigas – le dije esta vez sin gritar, pero aún con lágrimas en mis ojos.

– No, simplemente actuaba – eso me dolió más de lo que podía haber imaginado – Mi tarea era aislarte y vigilarte – dijo sentándose ágilmente en un contenedor al otro lado del callejón – y lo hice muy bien, estoy harta de llevar este aspecto – dijo quitándose el moño, y mientras el pelo caía cambiaba de su rizado pelo castaño a un liso pelo negro tan negro o más que el mío, tan largo que le llegaba a la cintura.

– ¡Tú no eres Stephanie! – le grité frustrada, ella volvió a reír.

– Aún no lo has entendido ¿no?, Stephanie nunca ha existido, siempre he sido yo – me explicó.

– Entonces, ¿Quién eres tú? – ella se sorprendió de mi pregunta, salto al suelo y se colocó frente a mí.

– Soy Victoria, y soy lo contrario a ti angelito – se rió otra vez – pero te va a dar igual, puesto que yo soy mucho más fuerte que tú y puesto que voy a matarte.

– No deberías hacerlo – dijo una voz desde la entrada del callejón.

– Y  ¿Quién eres tú? – dijo antes de que apareciese una luz muy brillante procedente de dónde estaba el chico, Victoria gritó con fuerza en un tono demasiado agudo para ser humano, y yo caí de la prisión invisible, que me había tenido sujeta a la pared, golpeándome las rodillas.

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